
Visual Trends 2020

The future is unpredictable, but inspiring. We take a look at the most exciting visual trends 2020.

Adobe Stock Visual Trends

The Adobe Stock Team has already released its annual trend forecast. The Creative Trends report not only reveals the four most important visual trends for 2020, but also offers a preview of upcoming design and motion trends for the first time. The facts:

All Ages Welcome

According to Adobe Stock, “until recently, older audiences have often been portrayed in terms of ‘needing help’ and ‘slowing down’ – but not anymore.” More and more industries begin “to realize the importance of representing mature crowds as relevant figures, full of unique, vibrant, high-energy people” and integrate a higher age diversity into the imagery of various areas, such as fashion, beauty or wellness.

Br24 Blog Visual Trends 2020: Trend - All Ages Welcome; portrait of a happy, older woman sticking her tongue out at the viewer

Express Yourself

Social media plays a crucial role in this trend. More and more people openly and honestly express their own emotions in front of a large audience. Authenticity instead of perfection. A development that is not new and that will continue in 2020. “The demand for imagery that represents all the diverse facets of humanity and the realities of modern life has grown significantly stronger” and goes beyond the limits of social networks.

Br24 Blog Visual Trends 2020: Trend - Express Yourself; happily laughing woman with glitter on her face and arms

Make-up is Not a Mask

Authentic self-expression instead of adapting to certain ideals of beauty. Make-up today is much more than just a concealing mask. Cosmetics are “now being offered in a wider range of shades, with top brands […] embracing all ages, skin types, skin tones, natural eyebrows and more.” Anything goes, for women and men! Beauty is completely redefined and “the use of makeup as a tool for self-exploration and creative experimentation is one facet of that.”

Br24 Blog Visual Trends 2020: Trend - Makeup is Not a Mask; portrait of a dark-skinned woman with blue painted lips and blue eye makeup, showing only her head as she swims in a dark blue liquid

From Me to We

Global social and political challenges promote movements that draw their strength from the community. Valuable experiences instead of blind consumption, that is the creed of today. Impressive pictures convey this new sense of unity. “When it comes to visual imagery, brands are finding that images presenting a strong sense of community and meaningful lifestyle choices resonate best, creating a quick connection between companies and conscious customers.”

Br24 Blog Visual Trends 2020: Trend - From Me to We; group of happy women of different ethnicities

Design Trends 2020

Handmade Humanism: The influence of the DIY movement reaches the digital world with a simple, handcrafted and yet inspiring style.

Art Deco Updates: A minimalist, elegant interpretation of Art Deco with geometric patterns, metallic elements, and sleek typography.

Semi-Surreal: Fantastical imagery, new and vibrant perspectives that irritate our viewing habits. A trend with surprise effect.

Modern Gothic: “Futuristic materials, moody lighting, industrial influences, and striking typography make this edgy visual approach seem simultaneously old-world and visionary.”

Motion Trends 2020

Environmental Documentary: The possible future the world faces due to climate change, portrayed in a documentary film style.

Movement Response: Interactive graphics increase engagement and make lasting impressions.

Liquid Abstract: Free-flowing shapes with powerful curves, creating dynamic and fluid compositions as a contrast to geometric and functional design.

Neon Glow: Moving and glowing neon elements create pulsating, dynamic images with a retro feel.


Also keep an eye on these photographic and visual trends.

Phoneography – Mobile takes Over

No doubt, DSLR cameras still play the most important role for the perfect shot. But this trend is towards smaller, more compact models. For beautiful photos – anytime, anywhere. Today’s modern smartphones are equipped with newer, better cameras and with more and more useful functions; and are relatively cheap. Mobile photography is the keyword. Closely linked with the trend towards vertical images and videos, adapted to the vertical orientation of the mobile area.

Br24 Blog Visual Trends 2020: Trend - Phoneography; hand holding a smartphone, photo mode on the screen, against a blurred background

Panotography – 360-Degree Photography

At the same time, panoramic photography is on the rise, the horizontal seems to have no limits with this trend. Spectacular landscapes, breathtaking architecture – large-format pictures create unique visual experiences in which the viewer literally immerses. Social media, e-commerce, photographers … magnificent panoramic images conquer every area.

Br24 Blog Visual Trends 2020: Trend - Panotography; panoramic shot of a city skyline at twilight

Colour Flash – Vibrant Colours

Bye bye pastel and subdued shades. Hello strong and vibrant colours. Bright and intense colours create vivid images in 2020 that will capture the viewer’s attention. Whether a single dominant colour as a contrast between the subject and the surroundings. Or an image that is practically bubbling with colours. Now is the right time to show courage and colours.

Br24 Blog Visual Trends 2020: Trend - Colour Flash; part of an orange brick wall against the blue sky

Also discover the Pantone Colour of the Year 2020: Classic Blue.