E-Commerce – Convincing presentation of products & services
In e-commerce the demand for edited images is particularly high. The convincing presentation of products and services determines a successful sale. This is only possible with high-quality and appealing images.
Clippings, alpha maskings and composings are particularly important for the product presentation in e-commerce. The perfect representation of different colours, textures and details through colour corrections and colour adjustments shows the variety of products, increases customer satisfaction and reduces returns. Extraordinary effects and dynamic images such as 360-degree images and zoom functions add variety, show every detail and highlight special features. In addition to image editing and image retouching, we optimise your images for the use in various media and platforms (online and offline ). With CGI product visualisations of any kind are possible.
Perfect images in the highest quality. Efficient, fast and with minimal processing time, regardless of the amount of images. We show your products and services at their best.