
Celebrating Vietnamese Women’s Day 2019

Chúc mừng ngày Phụ nữ Việt Nam!

On October 20, the whole of Vietnam honors the women, because it is Vietnamese Women’s Day. We celebrated our Br24 power women with presents, music and a great party.

Br24 Blog Vietnamese Women's Day 2019: One of the Br24 power women who receive flowers as a gift

Br24 Blog Vietnamese Women's Day 2019: Group photo of the Br24 power women at our party

Br24 Blog Vietnamese Women's Day 2019: The Br24 power women have fun at our Vietnamese Women's Day party


At the same time, our team in Vietnam celebrated its 5th anniversary! For all who accompany us from the beginning on our way, we had a little surprise.

Br24 Blog: 5th anniversary of Br24 in Vietnam, group photo of the team members, who were there from the beginning

Great atmosphere and a fantastic team!

More about the history and background of Vietnamese Women’s Day in our blog.